Well just a fresh single chick looking on the jungle of desire...the heart that is Tampa, full of wackos, locos, and and many, many dating sites. What is out there for women my age, ladies any idea? When is the last time that you dated anyone in Tampa? And what is dating. I have discover that my cultural differences I was born in Spain originally did not teach me how to date the American Male.
The American male or most commonly known as Mr. Happy tongue, is a diverse bread of hormone sex crazy erectile disfunction males looking for a good time. Exhibit A: The Divorcee...the male that is perfect for you an age, income, and look but will rather date the nineteen year old that does certain things in the bedroom that were only legal in old Roman times.
The Young Stud: Yes, my girlies this is the only group worth of at least trying one time. No commitment, no issues, no taboos and they love our age group. They treat you like a lady...after all their mom is your age...yes let's dont kid ourselves ladies...We want them, we have them...we unfortunately cannot show up with them at the family reunion. God they are hot...hmmm okay ...i lost my train of though.
Yes, as some of you might entertained my major in college was not English, so dont expect perfect grammar until i dont get pay for this wonderful train of a wreck that is my life. Mr. Wonderful continues to move out of my life...and took our stepkids with him. When I asked him where did he stop loving me, he replied: The day you cut off my phone!!! you think that if a man dumps you, leaves you alone, heartbroken after you took care of him, his health, and his kids...and then proceeds not to text you, call you or talk with you...and the phone is in your he entitled to keep his phone number.....GET ME AN AMEN!!! HELL TO THE NO!!!
Now for the last group, the one we all want: The One, The Sweetheart, this type of man is a sweetheart, gentleman, cares for you, and will go a mile walking on your shoes every day...but sadly most of the time you are not attracted to this type......I am hoping will be different next time. So tell me ladies post which kind of man are you attracted and why....RAVE sisters. I am listening.
Mystique James....much love chickies.
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