
Saturday, December 26, 2015


My friend Encarna one of the sweetest and most loyal people I have ever known in my life, told me years ago something that always comes to mind in certain circumstances, she said that people are worse than animals and that they forget magically everything that you have done for them, but animals always offered their love unconditionally.

Now when she said that to me about seven years ago while both of our husbands were stationed in Aviano Air Force Base it didnt occur to me to ask her why she would say that. Sometimes we talk about the sin but not who the sinner is my grandmother Carmen will say. Today that thought came to mind when two of my dearest friends back home were caught making fun of the way my life is here in the USA. 

So my answer is this: Remember when all the kids in the neighboorhood were bullying you because you were different and I was right there defending you and getting into fights for you? More than once I went home with a black eye because of you. Remember when you were doing cocaine, and extasy and you couldnt get off it..and I went and put you under the cold shower and made you puke before you OD? I was there. Remember when you lost your child and I tried to come to Spain to give you money and get a lawyer so we could help you find him? I was there. Remember when you came to Florida to visit and even though I was broke I offered you my best bedroom, rent you a car for you and your friend and feed you, clothed you and drive you around so you could have fun and learned the American Culture?? I was there.

Remember when you got married to an immigrant from an eastern country and everyone did not approve and said things that were mean, misleading and cruel about you and her and I defended you and supported you with your decision? I was there. Remember when mom and dad were always fighting over stupid shit and I changed your diapers, cleaned you, fed you and sing to you by rocking your crib every night...well this you might not remember, but I was there.

When you needed someone to teach you to ride a bike or you scraped your knee and mom was so depressed she couldnt get off the bed and dad was having the time of his life living his life, I was there. When you decided to escape school and go play I was there to pick you up and put you back to school so you wouldnt get in trouble..I was there.

Remember when dad gave you this big job and was not given that chance because I was a girl and you ended up working for one of the most successful companies in the world? I was not there...I was bartending so we could eat...I was selling shoes and clothes to pay for my books so I could go to school...I was already a grownup once you were born. Remember when we moved to a new apartment and you were too little to help carrying furniture out of the truck..I was eleven...I was little too...but I was there for you.

Remember when you were heartbroken and were getting everyone's help financially and given chances like going to barber school or cooking school. I was not there, I was in the USA...heartbroken and broke donating blood and homeless and when you called me and you said: I need you....I went and help you out with words and with financial help.

So I asked both of you....last week why were not for me when I have always been for you. Love you guys. Mystique James.

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