
Sunday, November 1, 2015




Once again on a Sunday afternoon hanging out at my favorite spot here at Barnes and Nobles in Brandon, Florida since I said NO, NO to Brighthouse extremely nefarious and high prices. I have been coming here for eight years..pretty much they should reserve a spot for me....VIP CHICK.

Here, I stand with my new green flannel shirt and slim jeans hanging next to the Westwood Mall filled with nursing students, alone souls, and retirees...scanning yes you guess...for a soulful male of the species...I scan the coffee shop...yes a couple of good looking seems to submerged on his book looks adorable...but it seems out of it and upset about something.....other with the wife making eye contact... GOOD GOD! I am starting to believe my mother when she says that all men are cut by the same cloth. I guess there is nothing wrong with looking but the bastard looked up me like wow I love your assticle....get lost loser and put attention to your woman,,,I thought and I raised an eyebrow...damn I am starting think that loyalty and love dont exist..everyone looking for the next shiny object.

 I wander around the isles..stopping on the pagan section...nothing new here.....I got almost every book....I fantasize about how I will meet THE ONE...and if it will ever happen like in the know like when you go to the bookstore...pick a book and someone reaches for the same look into his eyes....and him in yours...and is love at first sight.

How lame is that? I guess some men do fantasize of the same thing...but I bet on their dreams...I am a size zero dressed as a cheerleader....but smart in a way...maybe dark black thick rim glasses and some kind of small lacey skirt....and they are there to help me or teach me a lesson..yes predictable...there is always pornhub guys...lmao. Well dont get me started I am extremely creative at coming up with borderline sexy catch my drift. Yes so I think S.L. is the one but he can only be the one if he is willing right? And he is obviously so busy...thinking how to get the perfect woman that he is missing me...oh shit S.L. sooner or later...this train will not be in the station better get your shit straight.

 Damn now next to me a super hotty...bold man..yes I am incorregible....this is turning into a sicknes...but you know what I am forty-four...and I want to enjoy my there no need for all of you to judge me...I do enough of that myself 24/7..just looking...okay...and I am saying what all of you want to do anyways...fudge. Turn around, he looked younger...the guy is at least 55 and with his child..still hottness but .I guess you really need to turn around the whole way...lmao..okay epic downfall that is a NOOOO. NEXTTTT!

Wondering how I am turning into a souless and on a major B the days go by...lately I sing at my apartment "Faith Hill," 'Let me let go" and "I will" thinking of S.L. who appeared on my life once more...but now he is more like one of those birds that fly south only when some other bitch rejects them...or maybe they come home for the summer to catch easy prey. I think he thinks I am a doormat always there when he needs me, maybe he is right...when he asks I dont have the heart to tell him no...he is such a sexy mofo..and maybe some of you readers will think the same, but I rather settle for one person that once in a while and enjoy that date random strangers that dont satisfy me in any way. 

Still on the search? I guess S.L. rejection does not leave me much of an option...or maybe this is after school homework? For my research, I do still search on dating sites...and gosh as the days go by...I discover more and more loneliness and I lay down for a while. POF, Okay Cupid, SingleDating, and dont get me started with ZOOK' working for okay cupid as a moderator I see more beef and tuna that in grosss you guys...but I worked for them they pay me a little money to go over profiles and moderate pictures and language. 

Yesterday, Halloween...again lonely all the couples making plans to get dressed up as this or that...and me missing S.L. who couldnt care less for me and possibly doing plans with his "friend." I hate how people use the word "friend' to define...I am sleeping with someone else when I am not with you, just a theory of could be just a this time I ignore the hurt...and keep moving on. Just like Sara Evans says: I am getting a little stronger as time go by...I am done on how it feels... I am done with you dragging my heart around. So I decided to go butt off...IT IS Saturday night....I am definetly not staying home....waiting for you to call..for the last three weeks I have been talking with MICHIGAN...yes you guess it..he is from MICHIGAN and coming to Tampa to live soon.

MICHIGAN is a forty-two year old, attractive, intelligent guy...and when we talk on the phone there is such a connection...where did I find MICHIGAN...I better not say...but lets say that his ad said: WANTED GIRLFRIEND. LMAO. I can hear all of you...omg are going to finish in a body bag...what the hell are are stupid...Respectfully...I AM NOT AFRAID TO DIE AND I DONT GIVE A FUCK at this point...sorry.

I guess the 3.00 dollar bottle of Merlot at ALDI did its work because loneliness got hold of me last past week and after searching the internet for part time jobs..I decided to answer MICHIGAN and after texting for a bit....I tell you the truth I felt lucky I answered. MICHIGAN turn out to be a business man with plenty of shape...that adores me for my mind and my looks...treats me with respect and like a MICHIGAN here I come we set up a date. 

MICHIGAN wanted someone for a real relationship...he is not into casual dating..he is tired of social media a matter fact he does not even own a smart phone...he says: I got my laptop..which I thought was charming...He wanted someone to be his have a future with someone.. .a real connection...well I am looking for the same. When we connected so well on the phone had dinner...chemistry good...and then it happen...what happened? S.L. head and heart couldnt get in agreement. This was the freaking monologue: My head: S.L. is using you..the minute he finds the perfect friend...he will completely forget that you exists...My heart (the loser): But he makes me feel different..My head: (the real loser): This guy is perfect...if he turns out to be as half handsome as his picture you will be stupid to say no. My Heart: (Okay let's give it a try). 
 Trying to reason with your heart is like trying to reason with a five dollar hooker they just want what they want. So I went out with MICHIGAN...and who knew....actually I enjoyed myself...good dinner...good conversation..good manners...I think I met MR. GREY without the kinkiness.

So....since I promise not to do to others what has been done to me...I told MICHIGAN off...he was hurt...I thought you and I talked and I was what you wanted...the truth is ...I miss talking with him...and laughting with him...but my heart will not let me continue....fuck the guy is extremely perfect...he mountain bikes...beautiful body...intelligent...he is healthy...and he can follow me in the other department...or so it looks like...yes MICHIGAN and FLORIDA it seems...have the stretch of S.L. or said major canyon in between them. So once again young and confused...well not so young but definetly confused...since I know S.L. and I will never had a future at least the future that I thought we should have but while I am sure he still searching for his size zero fit girlfriend..and leaving opportunities behind...S.L...Men in general there is no such thing as perfect....sorry to let you know..if someone.that is smart..has money and her life together...then you guys want submissive...go buy a puppy...lmao .....guys are such dicks!!

 So I went dancing by myself and forget everything around my life...job...bills, has always been that dancing, singing, and jogging...clear my mind...and everything seems beautiful again after ...dancing my butt off  until I pass out...six hours to my count...I think the DJ was impressed..I wonder what he would say if he knew I am the dance floor I watch the twenty-something girls that cannot keep up....what a bunch of do the whole twerking and putting their ass up in the culture is definetly going downhilll more and more...funny the only decent looking guy 30 or so comes over and starts to dance with me...kisses me on the cheek...and says: You are the sexiest in the whole floor...Awesomeness....yes I continue dancing and he dances with me for about ten minutes then he goes to another one...I knew that...already...that is what they all do..go from flower to flower...until one says yes...what a game..the more I ignore him the more he comes to dance it off..
The art of seduction is all that..and art...and men dont like it when they have it easy..they are hunters by nature..What makes me beautiful is that I dont need him...and the more unaprochable I am the more I become on his eyes the best....I become what he cannot have..we always want what we cannot have right? I mean look at me I am the epiteth of

The truth is that I went out dancing just to get out of the house and loose some pounds...and forget about YOU. Although now after having my fourth wiskey...and feeling the same than before, obviously this is not the real stuff...thanks god is five bucks per drink...I have lost ten pounds....but I got to dance with one of the sexiest men ever!!! He made my smell wonderful he said...I didnt even know his name..but KEEP IT ON GIRL..losing weight...growing my working wonders on attracting the males of the species...amazing how visual men are...within 20 minutes i was asking myself .....who was I missing and what is his name? Hmmmm...bring it on..hottie.

 I guess I could put the excuse that is all the males of the world that keep dissapointing me, but truth is my fault for putting my heart out there. I am still a chick looking for a gooood eggg, since I dont think S.L. will ever crack it...get it? BUT unfortunately every time that I crack a new egg...turns out a freaking disaster. Too much yolk, not yolk...lmao. 

Not to say that lately I have discovered in my self an unsatiable appetite for man that are bald...bald is the new sexy...if you dont believe me...look everywhere..more and more men are doing it. S.L. Dont forget about US...tell you the truth men out there...if this is your that girl...if not tell her the truth...I know what you are saying...some woman do the same thing and that you like to eat the cake and have it that how it goes? Are we all adults...tell someone that you love that you love them...and if you dont love them please tell them...too...this goes for both they dont have their life on hold for you....Missing you is turture when you are a true romantic...Sorry Michigan....i gave you stitches..maybe who knows....I might ...change my mind...again...I am a woman  and we are known to do that....but I am sure that you soon...if not today like most men out there..will be having candlelight dinner with a cheerleader with dark ream glasses.

P.S.: For all my male bold man guys keep it is a lonely chick in Tampa, Florida...a sexy red head. chickie...loookinggg for a goood eggg saying keep it cool boys! Love and Light. Mystique James.

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