Last Monday, as always rushing to work..Kid in the car..check...chocolate cookies..Orange Juice...argg no time for breakfast for mom today. !Mom get my car toys-Says Erik! is working...tire is flat to stop in the Shell Truck Stop...out of purse...out of it make up...eyeliner to go to Dunkin Donuts!
I went to Riverview is 6:45 am..and I am late..I start work at 9;00 am..gosh hope I can make it..All of this going through my mind as I look myself in the mirror...well maybe i should have wore a suit..hope the nylons don't break..should I wear more makeup..everyone at work wears more to loose another 20 mmm...maybe 30 pounds...forgot my necklace to call to call both to pick up the kid...the ask why he cant pick up the kid.
Ladies you know how it is rushing to work...being a single mom...trying to please your kids..your ex..yourself...get it done in time....I went to Riverview...Erik watching transformers on my phone...Mom...he starts crying I dont want to go to school....!! He starts whining..then a new tactic...I start whining with a grim...Erik...I dont want to go to work....argggg-simulated crying....he stops...he starts laughing...Mommy Why Do you go to work?.....Erik...I have to. Why-asks Erik....I ask him if he likes our new house?...yes you like to go to the aquarium? Yes mom i like the jellyfish...the best! Do you like when mommy buys you trucks and cars to play with? Yes...mommy..okay buddy you and I are a team go to school and I go to work...Well, mom I want to go to your thought I wish you could!

Let's say that we all go through mornings like this especially when you are a single are an advisor, a lecturer, the budget maker,...the home maker...the money maker...the priest...the psychologist, and the mechanic all in a bundle; that is the life of a single mom or dad, especially more challenging when either you have a toddler or a teenager...I am blessed to have both! Erik is holding to the my inner thigh...with the grasp of death..dont want to let go today...the teacher looks at me kindly: he is fine in the classroom...he will be okay...well it is 7:15 am...and i wish i could have a beer right now.
Riverview...on my way to MLK...stop at Dunkin Donuts 301 South..hispanic lady always makes my morning sweetie what can I get you? A day off? I said..being sarcastic..She starts laughing...extra shot of coffee? Please Hit Me! Donut....? mmmm I did say i wanted to loose weight...wherever...throw caution to the wind!-Just make it a glazed!!! Cafe' con Leche Por Favor cari! Good looking guy on the window...You look stress out...I start giggling...Dark Eyes..Hawaian..6'5 ? nice looking I am guessing 30 something?...hmm...I wonder if he is parent mode strucks in...too young..moving this moment someone should slap me...wake up..! Dont worry, he says is on the house...really? Well..Thanks...Never Asked his name. The kid just trying to be nice.
Going around..omg they gave me a croissant instead of a donut. Stop..park the car...breaks are faltering..great! Then a young black man resembling Asher comes out of a BMW..hi is your name Susie? does this guy know? Well..I kind of follow you? Whaaaat...creepo!!! This must be yours...he hands me my daughters iphone5..yes..i guess you put gps on your daughters phone and it was connected to yours...oh thanks...well...thanks very still nice people in this world. I asked him his name: Mathias..he smiles. Do you want a reward?..he starts laughing..No thanks.. and got into his beautifull....yes I want that car BMW. I guess not a creep just a nice guy.

That got me thinking..yes I do that from time to we always focus on the easy it go to the prepared this is a long post..i will give you some of the positives that I have experienced in my life...some of my best...and I was thinking that in my life...i actually have more positives than negatives when I started to think about it...
Year 1-remember the bedspread of my parents bed..warm and comforting presence of my mother..feeling protected.
Year 5-My mother taught me how to draw...she draws a family of mice had a top mouse had a bow on her mouse...
Year 6-Kids in school make fun of me when I win a painting contest..because i painted elephants with long legs suspended in the air...i was came up to me and said...see..this is a painting of a very famous painter...he also painted elephants with long legs and clocks melting...I see them in my
Year 8-My two uncles Jesus and Gregorio teach me how to ride my yellow mountain bike on my grandmothers' house they spent the whole day teaching me and then we sit to eat sandwiches and water the flowers in my grandmother's garden.
Year 12-My first kiss..this blonde kid with freckles and blue me a sunflower and tells me I love me a first kiss.
Year 14-My best friend and I we met in kindergarten (Marta)...we make a path to be friends forever...we still talk...we still best friends...they say that if you have a friendship with a person for 7 years it will last a lifetime.
Year 15-I travel all over Amsterdam...hate Paris...Love dancing...Love the Mona Lisa...Love Belgium Chocolate and Beer....9 days with no parents...yeahhah!
Year 19-I meet my soulmate...sometimes soulmates don't end up together. More of that to come I guess.
Year 20-Sing professionally at a Piano Bar...go on tour all over Spain and to the crowds.
Year 23-Move to Germany...have my first born...saw his soul entering my body and 5 minutes later...K was born..
Tell me about your positives...Think about it..every day you got more positive things that happen in your life than tell me are you focusing on the negatives or the positives in your life? As a friend of mine will say...we need to focus in the Now. Please readers check:
Love, Mystique James